



























      z = a + bi = Ae




  a = A x Cos θ

  b = A x Sin θ







このへんの感覚は、ベクトルの成分が(a, b)、ベクトルの長さがA、傾きがθの場合と同じなので、覚えやすいかと思います。






■複素数 COMPLEX関数

実部をa、虚部をbとする複素数は  COMPLEX(a, b)


■複素数の絶対値 IMABS関数

複素数(a + bi)の絶対値 IMABS(“a + bi”)

結果は√(a2 + b2) となります。


■複素数の実部の取得 IMREAL関数

複素数(a + bi)の実部は  IMREAL(“a + bi”) = a


■複素数の虚部の取得 IMAGINARY関数

複素数(a + bi)の虚部は  IMAGINARY(“a + bi”) = b


■複素数の偏角の取得 IMARGUMENT関数

複素数(a + bi)の偏角は  IMARGUMENT(“a + bi”)  で-π~πの範囲でラジアン単位で取得


■複素数のべき乗 IMEXP関数

zが複素数のべき乗は IMEXP(z)

(例)ei π/3 を計算するには


= 0.866 + 0.5i



■複素数の足し算(合計を含む) IMSUM関数

複素数xと複素数yの足し算(片方が実数の場合も含む)は IMSUM(x, y)


セルA1の複素数とセルA2の足し算は IMSUM(A1, A2)

実数の合計の関数(SUM関数)と同様にセルA1~A10を合計するには IMSUM(A1:A10)となります。


■複素数の掛け算 IMPRODUCT関数

複素数xと複素数yの掛け算(片方が実数の場合も含む)は IMPRODUCT(x, y)


■複素数の割り算 IMDIV関数

複素数xと複素数yの掛け算(片方が実数の場合も含む)は IMDIV(x, y)













このことは、731 / 2 = 365.5日 が1周期分のデータ個数となります。


t=0 の時の振幅ペクトルの値(16.4625171)は全体の値の平均値を示しています。


t=2 の時の振幅スペクトルの値(5.12963)の2倍の値(10.25926)が周波数が2の時の振幅を示しています。



つまり、今回の2年間の気温データは 平均16.4625171 ± 10.25926 ℃ の傾向で気温変化した事がわかります。


t=2 の時の位相(155.3578°)の負の値(-155.3578°)の位置にピークの位置が来ることを意味しています。




16.4625171 + 10.25926 × Cos(x / 365.5 × 360° +155.3578°)















  1. 非常に分かりやすい記事でした。



    • コメントありがとうございます。

      このエクセルのシートの t の値ですが、
      t=1 のとき、データ全体で1周期分となる波の成分
      t=2 のとき、データ全体で2周期分となる波の成分
      t=3 のとき、データ全体で3周期分となる波の成分

      t=0 と t=0
      t=1 と t=3
      t=2 と t=6


  2. 16.4625171 + 10.25926 × Cos(x / 365.5 × 360° – (-155.3578°))の式についてですが、sinでは再現できないのでしょうか?

    • コメントありがとうございます。

  3. Mr. Akira,

    I utilised the VBA Excel sheet from your website to transform a Weekly Data.
    As part of personal exercise, I try to construct and combine waves by using the top few components (of N/2) with highest amplitude shown.

    However, I’m not sure if I’m doing it correctly overall, especially the calculation of Time Axis (X).
    Here’s the spreadsheet link:

    Assuming the time axis is correct, if my sample rate is 7/week, does it mean the formula for cell C16=C15+1/7 ?

    The sinusoidal waves of component F27, F22 and F25 look asymmetrical or aperiodic, is it normal? Why so? Or if I have done something wrong?

    Thanks in advance for your enlightenment, guidance, and comments.

    • Why don’t you overlay the raw data (input data) and the generated data?
      I have looked at the Excel data, and at least the generated data is cos, not sin.

    • I did not overlay the data because I want to see each of the frequency separately. But there is one where I combine all frequencies but not overlaying.

      What do you mean the generated data is cos, not sin? Did I do something wrong? Please tell me if I do something wrong.

    • I would recommend that you display them in an overlay first.
      By doing so, you will be able to notice what you are getting wrong.

    • I did an overlay and by looking at where the peaks and troughs congregate comparatively to chart generated by F(Ttl), I gain suspicion of I do something wrong at the F(Ttl) but I can’t be sure.

      Frankly speaking, I do not know what I did wrong yet and I can’t seem find the right vocabulary to start asking the right question.

      Would you be kind enough to enlighten me how should I look and examine at this so I can get better idea what I did wrong?

    • Unless the peaks and the troughs are aligned, something is wrong.
      As I said last time, you have at least sin and cos wrong.
      For example, you are doing it this way.
      But sin here is cos.
      There may be other places where it’s different, but I’m not sure either.
      So please try again, and if not, please share the Excel file showing the raw and generated data overlaid.

    • I’m so sorry I still don’t quite get what I did wrong at cos and sin there.
      I’m willing to share you the excel sheet but let me know how to reach out to you. If it’s not convenient for you to reveal your email address, let me know if you have access to my email address since I have been keying in mine to post comment. Thanks!

    • I guess my English (DeepL’s English) is not getting through.
      Please replace all sin with cos.
      In this way

      You can use Google Docs to share files as before, right?
      If you have any comments, please write them in this comments section here.

    • I have created an Excel file with the raw data and the calculated data overlaid, so please check it.

      However, there is not much overlap in the graphs due to the weak frequency trend in the data you gave me.
      It is difficult to understand why I did this, including the meaning of Sin and Cos, unless you understand the Discrete Fourier Transform.

      For more information about the Discrete Fourier Transform, please refer to the related page here.

      It took me a great deal of time to understand the Discrete Fourier Transform.

  4. Akira,

    Oh…let me try to rephrase…
    For example I have a time-series-data as below
    1 Feb : 2.3
    2 Feb : -1.2
    3 Feb : 3.6

    When I open the FFT excel template you shared, why is it that I put my first data (2.3) on bin 0 and not leaving data on bin 0 as 0 and start my first data (2.3) on bin 1 instead?

    I hope putting this way is clear enough to express my question. Apologies for inconveniences caused.

    • I’ve finally understand!
      It’s my lack of pre-requisite knowledge on this that causes me confusion.

      Again, thank you very much for your generous sharing, kind accommodation, and guidance.

  5. Hi, I have questions about interpreting frequencies or frequency axis:

    For example I have 1024 daily data (N), at sample rate (Fs) of 1/day. Below is my understanding so far:

    Bin n = n * Fs / N
    Bin 1 = 1 * 1 / 1024 = 0.00097656 cycle per day (1024-day-period)
    Bin 2 = 2 * 1 / 1024 = 0.00195312 cycle per day (512-day-period)
    Bin 3 = 3 * 1 / 1024 = 0.00292969 cycle per day (341.33-day-period)
    Bin 512 = 512 * 1 / 1024 = 0.5 cycle per day (2-day-period)

    Useful frequencies for 1024 data points can be found from Bin 1-512 due to Nyquist Theorem, correct?

    And the highest frequency I can get from this time series data is from Bin 512, frequency of 0.5 cycle per day or 2-day-period cycle. Am I understanding and interpreting all these correctly?

    Hope to hear your reply and guidance soon. Thank you.

  6. ピンバック: 【Excel】フーリエ解析(FFT) | イメージングソリューション

    • Akira,

      Thank you for your reply. I have another question:

      Since the result came out from Bin 0 will not be useful, why do we put our very first time-series-data starting from Bin 0 and not Bin 1?

    • It is up to the user to decide if Bin 0 is useful.
      Bin 0 means the bias component (average).
      And bin 0 is also needed when doing the inverse transform.


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